
Friday, 18 September 2020

Maori language scratch test.

 I.A.L.T Upload and create a blog post about my scratch.

Yesterday with whaea Donna we made a scratch project to test peoples Maori language knowledge, here are the steps we had to use.

First we had to write down our questions

Then we had to look at some other scratch's to see some cool ideas.

Next we had to remix one of them and add the questions that we wrote down on the paper.

What did I enjoy?

What I enjoyed was finishing this task because it felt good to get all of the pressure off of my shoulders.

What did I find challenging?

What I found challenging was finding the perfect character for my scratch because it is hard to find one.

Click here to try it out.

Have you created a scratch before?


Thursday, 17 September 2020

kiwi can

W.A.L.T Create and upload a blog post about our kiwi can lesson from today.

Today at Kiwi Can we played 5 games, I won't say all of them, but my favourite game was "peke peke". The word today was again Accountability. It means taking responsibility and ownership of you actions, the catchphrase was also the same as last time.. How the game went was that there would be somebody would call out peke and you had to jump in one of three different positions and if you jumped in the same positions as your partner you would have to say hei. If you said hei at the same time you had to do siccors ,paper, rock.


What did I enjoy?
What I enjoyed was learning the new games we haven't played before because it was funny.

What did I find challenging?
What I found challenging was reacting fast enough because it was being said too fast.

Do you like the sound on Peke Peke?

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Newspaper bingo

 W.A.L.T upload a blog post about our reading task and write about it.

Today we had Mr Metzger with us! Our reading task for today was to go onto Kiwi kids news and skim through some of the articles then, write the titles in the boxes that we got given.The boxes we got given had specific types of articles that we had to read.For example: there was one box that says that we had to write the title of one article that made us laugh.Here is mine...

What I enjoyed was finding the one that made me laugh.

What I did well was getting them done.

Have you ever done a newspaper bingo?

Thursday, 10 September 2020


 W.A.L.T write and upload a blog post about our Kiwican lesson.

Today we had Kiwican again, Kiwican had to go because of the Covid-19 outbreak. The word that we are now working on is accountability. What accountability means is to be honest and take responsibility for what we have done. Our new catchphrase is ;We are honest we are true, we take ownership for what we do.We played two games what we played  was: high tide,low tide and the other one was impossible connections how you play impossible connections is somebody will play some music and you have to dance as soon as the music stops, you have to stop, look and listen to your instructions for example; four, elbows this means you have to get into a group of four and touch elbows with each other another example is ten, feet this mean a group of ten and you have to be touching feet. Here are a few photos:

What I enjoyed was playing impossible connections because it was funny watching every one dance.
What I found challenging was playing high tide low tide because I wasn't fast enough.
Have you played any of these games?

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Reading task

I.A.L.T upload a task from either this week or last week.

Today our reading task was to make up 10 true and false statements about the book called reckless. Here are what my statements were;

1. Kane didn't take the long way home. (false)

2. There was about 5000 dinghies in the bay. (false)

3. Kane is not a person to be worried. (false)

4. Kane has been in uncle Max's tinny before. (true)

5. There was a child's scream in the bay. (true)

6. Kane didn't even think about a life jacket he thought he was too old for them. (false)

7. The family got out of the water safely. (true)

8. When Kane got home his dad was sleeping on the floor in his pyjamas. (false)

9. His father really listened and understood Kane. (false)

10. His dad showed Kane the report and it was about cows. (false)


What I did well was think of false questions because we were supposed to do 5 each but I did 7 false and 3 true...

What I enjoyed was reading a new book because it is interesting.

What I could improve on is thinking of less false questions and more true.

Have you done a reflection before?

Thursday, 3 September 2020

How to make your very own geometric art.

 I.A.L.T upload a blog post about our art and write about it.

For the past couple of weeks we have been working on some geometric art. The art below is not mine because I have not finished yet, here are the steps.

-First you chose the shape that you desire.

-Then you have to trace/draw the outline of your animal on an A4 or A3 piece of paper.

-Next you make all of the curved lines into edged straight lines with a ruler.

-After that you fill in the inside of the animal with different geometric shapes.

-Finally you can think/start filling in the shapes with patterns,paint,dye,colouring pencils or any other things you want!

When you are done your object/animal should look a little like this.

Have you ever done geometric art?