W.A.L.T upload a post showing what we learnt in Kiwi Can today.
Today we had Kiwi Can. Our focus today was respect, the catchphrase that goes with it is : "We will respect our school we will do it because we're cool". We played two games, the games we played were called Snap, crackle and pop and So,ma,ca,lo. This is how you play Snap, crackle and pop; First you have to get into groups of three and decide who is going to be snap who's going to be crackle and same with pop. Today I was in a group with Mia and Sofia, Mia was crackle Sofia was pop and I was snap. Once you have sorted that out you have to get into a circle with the other groups then somebody has to yell out snap, crackle or pop for instance if they yelled out snap then the people that were snaps including me would have to run around the circle and the other two people would have to put their leg up and then snap would have to run under their legs and get what ever is in the middle of the circle the first person to get it gets a point the people with the most points at the end win! Here is a photo of us playing So, ma, ca, lo: